Thursday, May 20, 2010

bumper crop

Had a MASSIVE harvest of greens and other spring crops today, including the first of the sugar snap peas. Plenty of chinese cabbage too. We are trying to set up and try out a makeshift stand at the farm this Saturday. Should be a beautiful day. Come and enjoy it here at the farm and get some fresh, local produce while you're here!

Tomorrow includes: thinning out the beets and carrots, preparing beds for watermelons and winter squash, mounding potatoes, making a few sales calls, setting up our compost pile, and hopefully planting sweet potatoes.


Tuesday, May 18, 2010

catching up with photos

These should be in reverse order, doh.

From bottom to top: Measuring the field, Greg making initial passes in March, What (part of) it looks like now, Nice lettuce crop, Mobile Chicken coop


Sunday, May 9, 2010

later is greater

Having so much going on, it's easy to fall behind on some projects. One thing I've been wanting to do for about 10 days is get these tomatoes and cucurbites into the ground.

But, ZanderCast Inc. is calling for a freeze tonight and since these cold hating plants are still in flats, I can bring them inside for the night. yay!

plus on another exciting note, some of the earlier tomatoes are already blossoming. did someone say tomatoes in mid june?
